Local authority improvement works to the offside waterway wall. Unsightly damage to be repaired in advance of a general regeneration of the public space between the road and canal.


From Date: 29/04/2024 08:00

To Date: 28/06/2024 18:00 inclusive

Type: Advice

Reason: 3rd Party Works

Is the towpath closed? No


Closest waterway: Paddington Arm (Grand Union Canal)

Starts at: Bridge 4Ab (Footbridge)

Ends at: Bridge 4B, Wedlake Street Footbridge


Please be advised that works will be underway on the offside between Bridge 4A and Bridge 4B on the Paddington Arm for several weeks whilst the local authority are making repairs to their area of public space there.

The outcome of these works should be improvement to canal wall condition on the offside which is currently in disrepair and being destabilised by root systems.

The works will involve the local authority’s chosen contractor, Greenford, removing the railings and concrete capping beam, addressing the Buddleia root systems, and then returning the railings after they have been refurbished.

They will have a work boat in place on the offside to assist but this will not obstruct navigation.